Structured products
Through the platform you can access structured products from a number of providers. We have teamed up with several highly respected institutions who offer a diverse range of products to suit the individual needs of your clients.
Wealthtime is independent of any provider and will work with any institution where compliance regulations are met and if it is operationally possible.
Be aware that structured product providers can stop taking subscriptions for a certain product early – in advance of the scheduled issue subscription close date. In these circumstances every effort will be made to process your instruction. However, it cannot be guaranteed. We may not be able to invest in a product as instructed. If this is the case we will contact you and you may be able to purchase a subsequent issue instead.
Through the platform you can access structured products from a number of providers. We have teamed up with several highly respected institutions who offer a diverse range of products to suit the individual needs of your clients.
Wealthtime is independent of any provider and will work with any institution where compliance regulations are met and if it is operationally possible.
Be aware that structured product providers can stop taking subscriptions for a certain product early – in advance of the scheduled issue subscription close date. In these circumstances every effort will be made to process your instruction. However, it cannot be guaranteed. We may not be able to invest in a product as instructed. If this is the case we will contact you and you may be able to purchase a subsequent issue instead.