How to add verified bank details for clients

How to add verified bank details for clients
You’ll need to set up bank details for any investor requiring an ad hoc payment, or any regular withdrawals, or income.
- From the platform homepage, search for the investor using their name or investor number.
- Next, from the investor summary page, select maintenance, and then investor details from the dropdown menu.
- Scroll down to the bank account details section. Here, you’ll be able to see if the investor already holds a verified bank account. If they don’t hold one, or you’d like to add another one, select the ‘add bank account’ button.
- On this page, add the investor’s sort code, account number and account name. Then press submit. We’ll then complete our bank verification checks.
- If the investor’s bank details pass the checks, the account will be verified straight away. If the initial checks fail, you can send the investor a biometric verification link, or upload the supporting documents shown on screen. Please be aware that biometric verification isn’t available for company and trust accounts.
In Report Zone, you can check which of your clients currently hold verified bank details.
- From the platform homepage, click on report zone. From the ‘reports about clients and wrappers’ drop down, select ‘bank verification’.
- This report shows each of your clients and confirms whether they hold verified bank details.
- Thanks for watching our help video. If you have any questions, please get in touch with our team.